Sunday, April 16, 2023

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Tuesday March 28, 2023

I called the Coolibar company and tried to order the swim gear I saw in their catalogue yesterday. The agent was great, knew exactly what I wanted. As it turned out, the catalogue being new was the issue. Life lesson. Their computers didn’t even show the swimsuit, etc. yet, but she could handle it live. So, she did. Very nice. Had a lovely chat about my upcoming trip while she resolved the issue.

Spent most of the day planning and thinking about all I need to do. Making a to-do list for each month is helping me move things out of my mind, and onto paper.

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  1. Replies
    1. Hi, Marsha! The excitement is messing with my sleep cycle, but I figure, Who cares? I can sleep on the ship. Love the motion of the ocean.

  2. Is there a way to subscribe to your blog? I would love to receive email notifications when you update your blog. This is fascinating, and I am definitely living vicariously!

    1. Hi, Fellow Teacher! Yes, I set up a subscription option this evening. It's off to the right. Thanks! Enjoy.

  3. I just found your blog via the CNN travel article and look forward to following your journey. So far I am finding it interesting to read about the planning logistics. I am most curious how you will handle medical insurance while you are circling the world.

    I follow several blogs from people on a world cruise, but this trip is like a world cruise on steroids!! Thanks for taking us along!

    1. Hi, Mary! That is an apt description... on steroids. It's the first of its kind. Everything is a work in progress at this point. I spent much of today working on medical insurance. Spoke with an agent, and will speak with 2 Medicare experts tomorrow. Oh, the joys of being retired. LOL

  4. Congratulations on diving into this adventure. I thought of doing this too . . .but haven't made the commitment yet. Best of luck and enjoy!!

    1. Hi, Jackie! There are still rooms available. The balcony cabins and the inside cabins are sold, but the middle priced staterooms seem to still have some availability. If I talk you into going, mention my name, Sharon Lane, to the cruise company. After my CNN article, the company decided to reward those of us who refer others to the cruise. This wasn't my intent, but I won't say no. So nice of them.

  5. I am so happy that you are blogging and sharing your thoughts, actions and happy experiences with us landlubbers LoL! Truthfully I have always dreamed of doing what you are about to embark on and I am so happy for you and in awe of you. Such a trip as this is financially out of reach for me, but I am blessed to be able to live vicariously through you! I can hardly wait for your next update. Sending love and light!

    1. Hi, Kathryn! I hope you enjoy coming along on my 3-year adventure.

  6. Hi: Please make videos of your adventure like "Emma Cruises" on YouTube. So exciting !

    1. Just watched one of her videos. Hmmm. I'll have to give it some thought. Thanks for the suggestion.

  7. This is so exciting!! What an amazing adventure you have to look forward to. I was sent a link to the article CNN ran about you. My husband and I plan to do the same sort of cruise once our youngest is in college. Your journey is very interesting to us and I'm thrilled you have decided to share it with the world. We will be avidly reading along. Best wishes for your future cruise!

    1. Thanks. This company is doing something that's never been done before. If it goes as planned, there will be more. Start saving $$$ now.

  8. Well done. I want to follow you on your journey. I've long thought about retiring on a cruise. Even thought about purchasing a condo on a cruise or a time share. Eager to hear about the amenities, experience, and economic benefits of doing this. Safe travels.

    1. Thanks, Tim! I wanted to retire on a cruise ship too, but the cost stopped me. This trip is just within my reach. After all, I'm a retired public school teacher. There are economic benefits, especially if you are a couple.

  9. Your journey is inspiring. Hope I will be able to push myself out of comfort zone to undertake similar adventures! All the best!

    1. Thanks. That's exactly why I'm publishing this blog!

  10. I'm looking forward to following your adventure!

  11. I read your story through my CNN newsletter this morning and will be following you (and Bob) as you travel. Best wishes and kudos for taking this on, it will be exciting for all your new fans!

  12. Thanks. Hope you enjoy our trip!

  13. Hi, Tyra! Thanks. I hope you enjoy my trip.


Busy Month - January

As I mentioned before, I have a major To-Do List. Each month contains tasks I either must or should complete. There were about twenty items ...