Wednesday, August 14, 2024

How about South Africa?

 I'm still looking at English speaking countries for my escape if the November election goes cattywampus. Canada, the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Ireland are on the only go for a month list, for various reasons. But I spent 1997-1999 in Cape Town, South Africa and loved it. Sure they have a winter much like that in SoCal where I'm from, but I would survive. Actually, for two years I did.

So would Cape Town be my logical choice or should I check out other places in South Africa? I know Durban is very humid, so that's a no go. I visited Johannesburg for a conference and didn't like the urban feel or the level of crime. A friend walked several of us to our cars, carrying a loaded pistol in plain sight to keep up safe. No, thanks.

I think I would prefer the familiarity of the Western Cape anyway. Going through my list of requirements, weather would be okay with me, not ideal, but fine. Language is a go, since they speak several there, the main one being English. They have a strong infrastructure, and everything works. The cost of living is much lower than in SoCal, and their health care is far superior to the U.S. They did the first heart transplant in Cape Town after all. The ease of life would be fine. One negative is Amazon does not deliver there, nor do they have any presence at all. Hmmm. Huge negative.

There is a vibrant ex-pat community in Cape Town, and I met some of the people in it while I was living there, but most of the friends I made were from bumping into strangers and making friends the old fashioned way. I wouldn't need an ex-pat organization to feel at home. It took less than 3-weeks for me to settle in the last time I was there.

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Now, if I went, where would I settle? I LOVED the V & A Waterfront area. I spent every Friday there, window shopping, using the spa in the V & A Hotel, enjoying lunch and going to a movie. What a wonderful way to end the week. I tried to recreate this routine when I came back to SoCal, but we don't have movie theaters or spas near malls. That's too bad. It would be a hit.

Stellenbosch is the wine region outside of Cape Town. I spent a day there, and could live there happily. It's drop dead gorgeous. Plus the towns are cute, and the people friendly. It's full of college kids, which provides a welcoming vibe.

Simon's Town is right on the coast. It's a historic port city and over the top cute. I only spent a few hours there, but really want to go back to explore it. Maybe I should settle there?

Hermanus is a distance away from Cape Town, but also on a coast. Whales love the coastline there, and visit often. Many people come just to see them. The town itself is small, close knit and lovely. It was a little rowdy when I visited, as it was the finals of some sport I don't follow. Lots of noisy men, drinking and carrying on, but I think that was an isolated event, while the whale viewing is ongoing. 

Okay, so why will I not be settling in Cape Town or any of the stunning towns on my list? Crime. It was really bad when I was there, although I didn't experience any crime personally. A friend was held up at gun point, and his car stolen. I don't know anyone in SoCal to whom that has happened, but it's routine in South Africa. The murder rate was high as were both burglary and armed robbery. I was hoping things have improved in the last 25 years. Sadly, not much, if at all. When I checked recently, I discovered the same issues involving crime. Some efforts have been made to change things, but not enough to have resulted in much improvement.

Although I was able to deal with the high crime rate when I was in South Africa before, I'm to the point in my life where I don't want to deal with any negativity, let alone crime. So, sadly, I won't be spending any time there in the future. I sure am glad I lived there for two years, however. It was spectacular. The scenery, the beaches, the food, the people, the culture, all of it. 

I looked into other places where English is spoken, like in the Caribbean. To be honest, however, I didn't look long or very hard. I do not care for tropical weather. I don't mind rain, but humidity does not make my asthma any better. In fact, it makes it worse. So I won't be moving to any tropical paradise, since it isn't paradise for breathing. 

It looks like English speaking countries do not work for me, I'm off to check out countries where another languages I speak are the norm. My next target is France. Very popular for ex-pats. I won't even bother looking up north, as I am familiar enough with the country to know the climate there wouldn't work for me. So, it's the south of France for me. More to come... 

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Images: PicMonkey

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