Saturday, February 15, 2025

Planning Ahead to Avoid Future Issues - December

Once I decided to move to a safer location in the Mid-West, and to buy a cabin on a residential cruise ship, finding insurance was next most important step. That was made much easier by the cruise line setting up a relationship with a company, and Congress finally rescinding the much hated WEP. I was able to find and fund an insurance policy to cover my needs when out of the country. Medicare will continue to cover me when I'm in my Home Base in the Mid-West.

The next major hurtle was to find a company to hold an estate sale and sell most of my belongings. This was surprisingly simple, since a good friend knew of such a company. She highly recommended I contact the owner, which I have done. It looks great. She handles just about everything. I don't even need to sort anything, or rearrange my belongings. Her crew is used to selling from a home where the owner has died, so no help is necessary. Simple.

As with many in my age group, those over 65, I have been assigned a covey of doctors by my medical group. Unfortunately they are needed. Happily though, they are excellent at their jobs, and have helped me stay upright. I made a list of my doctors in December, and spent several days lining up appointments so I can be seen by each of them. Since some are specialists, it's not easy getting an appointment.

This is why I started the process in December. I want them all complete by mid-April. A few need lab tests to be completed two weeks before seeing the doctor. Timing is everything, especially with CT scans and the like. I was able to set up all the appointments I need, except for two of the specialists. I have to call back in January, when their calendars open up for the time frame I need.

This is an important part of moving. When establishing relationships with new doctors in new states, or when seeing a doctor onboard a ship or while visiting another country, documentation and a treatment plan are quite helpful. This way, doctors are not working in the dark. This is why, although I have not asked for a paper copy of my after visit reports in the past (I usually read them online), I am now. I intend to have a file with paper copies of all my visits, a plan for each specialty going forward, and test results.

I'm also going to request copies of CT scans, as I have a couple of ongoing issues. One is my lungs. They were damaged by working in a school where admin didn't take enough care to ensure the health and safety of those on campus. The other is my bones. Small boned women should have many important tests completed routinely on an annual basis going forward from thirty, but this was not done. I didn't know to ask, and no one bothered to tell me. Therefore, I was low in Vitamin D, Calcium and Magnesium for years, resulting in osteoporosis.

All of my medical issues are under control, and I follow the protocols established by my doctors to make sure they stay that way. Anyone who intends to move or travel, and may need to see new doctors, should visit their old ones before moving. Ask for an assessment for each chronic condition and a plan for future treatment. They will come in handy.

More to come. In the meantime, feel free to check out my YouTube page, Elizabeth Endorses, CLICK HERE #ad, where I do reviews of my favorite Amazon products that simplify my life.  They could simplify yours too.

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