Sunday, October 22, 2023

Decades of Destinations

While getting ready to write another article for this blog, I thought about how interesting it might be for readers to know all of the places I’ve traveled to so far. At first, I thought I’d create a list, but soon realized how boring that would be. Instead, I’ve decided to show you where I went and add a fact about the location, or perhaps an impression it left with me.

Sunday drives and summer road trips were common when I grew up. I learned to enjoy looking out the windows of our family station wagon as we traveled from place to place. In high school, I took a photography class, and added a camera to our family excursions. I expanded my travels internationally as an adult, even taking my language students to Europe repeatedly.

The first trip I took as an adult was to Avalon, on Catalina Island, off the coast of Southern California, where I grew up. I visited once with my parents, but this time, they didn't come. Four high school girl friends and I (along with one of their mothers, to act as a chaperone) stayed for a week, one week after graduating high school. I was eighteen.

A few days into our carefree trip on the island, my friends and I decided to stroll along the boardwalk. It was late at night. As we were walking along, enjoying the vibe, chatting and having a snack, we were approached by two uniformed police officers. They informed us that it was past 10:00 p.m., and we had to go back to our hotel, since we were minors. We asked how old our chaperone had to be. After they told us the person must be at least eighteen years old, I volunteered that I was, in fact, eighteen and was "supervising" the minors. 

Then they asked for my I.D. Not realizing this might be a issue, I had left it in the hotel. That is exactly where we were ten minutes later. Life lesson. ID? Never leave home without it.  

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