Wednesday, July 31, 2024
The Realities of Picking a New Home
Monday, July 29, 2024
Monday, July 22, 2024
Hope for the Best, But Plan for the Worst
South Orange County, CA |
If you've been reading this blog, you know a friend of mine told me about a 3-year around-the-world cruise in March of 2023. After spending the day doing research, I was sold, signed up and paid a deposit. I then set about getting ready. While doing so, I thought about what to do after the three years was up. I decided to either move to Portugal or into a 55+ community near where I was living at the time. Since the cruise didn't happen, and I hadn't spent three years learning Portuguese, I ended up moving into the 55+ community, where I am living now.
After what happened yesterday in the presidential race in the U.S., however, I'm rethinking my choice of where to live. There is much uncertainty, but one thing I'm sure of, life would not be to my liking in this country if the next president is unhinged. Therefore, I am once again looking for a safe place to call home. Once again, I have only a few months to make my choice and plans. At least this time, I have my previous experience to give me a head start. I also downsized considerably just before my last move.
I'm going to document the next five months on this blog. If the election turns out positively, and there is no longer a need to leave the country, I'll stay put. Otherwise, I'll continue to show what I'm doing to prepare to leave. If I do so, I'll keep posting when in my new home, and write about my travel experiences while living there.
One thing I know I'll take with me, if I end up leaving the country, is this handy device, CLICK HERE.
There are several factors that will guide my choice of location. I'm going to research each possible location, and use these factors to help me select my possible new home. The most important five are: Weather, Safety, Infrastructure, Ease of Life and Language. The other things which are also significant are: Cost of Living, Health Care, Visa Requirements and Expat Communities.
These would probably be important for everyone thinking about moving to another country, but how important each is depends upon who is doing the moving. As for me, I'm a retired foreign language teacher. I taught German, French and English for over forty years. I have also traveled extensively and doing so is fairly easy for me. Additionally, I lived in Cape Town, South Africa 1997-1999, so moving to another country and fitting in does not frighten me.
Stay connected as we all see how things go in the presidential election, and in my search for a new, safe life abroad.
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Have K-12 kids? Then you'll want my book, Free College, to show you how to help your kids earn lots of college scholarships, CLICK HERE.
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Monday, July 15, 2024
Monday, July 8, 2024
Busy Month - January
As I mentioned before, I have a major To-Do List. Each month contains tasks I either must or should complete. There were about twenty items ...
If I end up wanting to leave the country, I need a place to go. Since ease of life is high on my list of necessities, I think starting wit...
I'm still looking at English speaking countries for my escape if the November election goes cattywampus. Canada, the UK, Australia, New...
South Orange County, CA If you've been reading this blog, you know a friend of mine told me about a 3-year around-the-world cruise in ...